Friday, October 17, 2008

Trip report and Employment materials

I found that I have really enjoyed writing the trip report. I have always held blue collar jobs at a local level, so I have never gotten to experience business travel. I have been envious from time to time of people who hold the kind of prestigious positions which require business travel -- even if they are in movies or on television! Pathetic, huh? Anyway, it was fun to role play in a type of job that I have aspired, and still aspire, to. I think I have done a decent job with this assignment thus far. The template and instructions that Ms. Stewart gave us significantly facilitated the process for me. I'm beginning to see that writing is writing across genres. You simply have to adjust your format, voice, and technique dependent on the application required.
The employment materials assignment has been a real eye-opener. My previous resume was a dull piece of ineffective garbage! A lot of formatting and content regarding resumes has changed since the last time I actively looked for a job. With the handout that we were given last week acting as a template, I was able to produce an updated resume that will hopefully prove to be effective after I graduate in May. This opportunity to potentially improve my life through more acceptable business writing, such as this resume, is the primary reason that I chose this class as my final elective. Potential can only get a person so far... one has to be able to execute and act on this potential.

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